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About Woolworths Group Foundation

At Woolworths Group we recognise the far-reaching impact we have on the communities in which we serve and understand the role we can play in driving positive change.

In Woolworths Group’s  100th year of operation the Woolworths Group Foundation - a charity dedicated to the collection and swift distribution of donations to those in need - plays a key role in how we support communities impacted by natural disasters. 

As Australian communities are increasingly impacted by fires, floods and other natural disasters, the Woolworths Group Foundation allows us to rapidly deploy support and direct funds to help those in times of need. The Woolworths Group Foundation leverages the many capabilities from across our business to directly and quickly  support affected communities in the event of a natural disaster, and has direct relationships with charity partners who are able to rapidly respond to community needs in times of crisis.



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Supporting those affected by natural disasters

When a natural disaster hits, we want the ability to swiftly distribute funds to multiple charities on the ground, amplifying our response to various crises and ensuring timely support where it's needed most. The Woolworths Group Foundation makes this easier by allowing us to direct funds in a more timely and direct manner to those people and organisations who are most able to support affected communities.

The Foundation will provide direct, timely and impactful support for local charitable organisations that are responding to the rapidly evolving needs within their community.

The Foundation will operate as an organising central point for the distribution of funds to our charity partners, greatly increasing the financial and logistical agility of our future responses in moments of crisis.

Our existing Support Those Affected by Natural Disasters (S.T.A.N.D) program and its partners The Salvation Army, Foodbank, Rural Aid and Lifeline will continue to be supported as part of the Woolworths Group Foundation. The partnerships remain critical to how we support the many communities in need.

Donations to the Foundation will come directly from Woolworths Group, through disaster appeal fundraising or our cause-related water range. For every 600ml Woolworths Spring Water 24 pack or 10L pack purchased, 20 cents is donated to the Woolworths Group Foundation.

Woolworths Group raised over $2.4 million from the sale of Woolworths Spring Water in F23.

Through this initiative, The Salvation Army has been able to purchase a new fleet of catering trailers, trucks and other equipment to ensure they are prepared to assist and serve the community when needed.

In addition to the Woolworths Group Foundation, the Group's businesses will continue to support various charities and community organisations as we work together for a better tomorrow. To learn about those ongoing community contributions by Woolworths Supermarkets click here, Big W click here, and Woolworths NZ, click here.

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Meet the Board

kate eastoe

Kate Eastoe, Director, Chair

General Manager, Healthy Living

Other roles: Director of Australian Disability Network

Bill Reid

Bill Reid, Director

Chief Legal Officer, Woolworths Group

jeanette fenske

Jeanette Fenske, Director

Director of Stores, Woolworths Supermarkets

Kate Langford

Kate Langford, Director

Chief Operating Officer, BIG W

michael kelly

Michael Kelly, Director

Group Finance Director, Woolworths Group

Further information


Donations to Woolworths Group Foundation are administered by Woolworths Group Foundation Pty Ltd (ACN 002 885 547) as Trustee for the Woolworths Group Foundation (ABN 67 937 361 335).

Woolworths Group Foundation is a Public Ancillary Fund, endorsed by the ATO as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

Additional information regarding the Woolworths Group Foundation’s registered status can be found on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website.

Below are our key governance documents and policies for the Woolworths Group Foundation:

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Get in touch or donate

To get in touch, ask questions, or discuss potential partnerships, we invite you to visit our "Contact Us" page.