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Celebrating Woolworths Group's proud and gender diverse team

3:00 min read

Celebrating Woolworths Group's proud and gender diverse team
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A proud advocate for Woolworths Group’s transgender and gender diverse team, customer hub team leader Aysha Verry (they/them) spoke with us about our Gender Affirmation Support Plan, key milestones for inclusion and the ongoing journey towards a better – and more inclusive –tomorrow for LGBTQ+ team members at Woolworths Group.

Can you share some of the things Woolworths Group has achieved for transgender and gender diverse team members during your time with WWG?

AV: In my opinion, one of the most significant achievements has been the introduction of all-gender bathrooms into our new formats as of last year. This is the kind of thing that has a tangible, everyday impact on our trans and gender-diverse team members and their wellbeing.

What are you most proud of in terms of your work in this space?

AV: I'm most proud of the Gender Affirmation Support Plan. This document provides crucial support for trans and gender-diverse team members and their line managers as they navigate the unique gender affirmation journey together.

It was particularly meaningful to align the hard launch of the Support Plan with Woolworths Group’s inaugural observance of Trans Awareness Week and Trans Day of Remembrance last November.

Do you believe Woolworths Group is a workplace that truly champions diversity and inclusion?

AV: Absolutely. Achieving Australian Workplace Equality Index [AWEI] Platinum Employer status for LGBTQ+ team members – after four consecutive years of Gold status – speaks volumes about Woolworths Group’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

While we’ve made significant progress, it’s essential to acknowledge that diversity and inclusion is an ongoing journey. I really value that WWG acknowledges the ongoing work that’s needed to create an inclusive environment for all team members.

Can you speak personally about any other professional roles where you haven’t experienced this kind of inclusivity?

AV: Prior to joining Woolworths Group, I worked as a tradie across various industries. As you can imagine, diversity and inclusion initiatives were pretty scarce. My experience was that most workplaces just lacked awareness and operated using pretty outdated ways of working, regardless of actual policy and procedure.

Can you speak about Woolworths Group’s Gender Affirmation Leave policy and paid leave and the impact it’s had on your life?

AV: I have personally benefited from this policy. I took some time off work to have top surgery in December 2022. This policy allowed me to focus on my recovery without having to exhaust my leave, or return to work before I was ready to.

Do you feel a true sense of belonging at Woolworths Group?

AV: I do feel a sense of belonging. While diverse opinions are expected in such a large organisation, especially one that encourages diversity, there have been countless instances in which my colleagues have shown up for me in meaningful ways.

Are there any other initiatives you’d like to see implemented for transgender and gender diverse team members?

AV: Something I would love to see, that we get approached by team members about all the time, is the inclusion of pronouns on name badges.

It’s such a simple yet impactful gesture to not only show support for our trans and gender-diverse team members, but to also promote conversations around the importance of using people’s correct pronouns.

For more on Woolworths’ Inclusion Strategy, click here

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