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Elevato & Sons: Three generations of quality produce

3:03 min read

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In the stunning green fields of Victoria’s Werribee South, a family's dedication to broccoli farming has flourished across three generations. The Elevatos have been supplying Woolworths with fresh, high-quality produce for the past 45 years.

It all began with Luigi Elevato, an Italian immigrant who arrived in Australia with a dream. Luigi worked tirelessly to establish the foundations for what is today a thriving family enterprise. Luigi’s deep respect for the land is a passion inherited by his son, Tom, and grandson, Louis.

"Growing up on this farm instilled a deep connection," Louis reflects. "It's an integral part of me. I'm honoured to uphold the legacy my grandfather and father established."

Today, Louis represents the third generation of this remarkable farming family. Bringing fresh perspectives and youthful energy, Louis is dedicated to continuing the family tradition, keeping the quality of his broccoli top of mind and building upon his predecessors' achievements.

Dedicated to innovation and sustainability, Louis is constantly exploring ways to enhance efficiency and minimise environmental impact. He's also passionate about educating customers on the significance of supporting local farmers and choosing quality, fresh seasonal fruit and veg.

"We're not just farmers, we're custodians of the land," Louis emphasises. "We have a duty to protect the environment and ensure sustainable food production for future generations."

The partnership between this family farm and Woolworths exemplifies the strength of collaboration and the importance of supporting local farmers. Woolworths is committed to working with farmers like Louis to provide Australians with the finest broccoli. “Family farmers are fundamental partners of Woolworths because of the passion, skills and expertise they’ve built over many generations, which ensures our customers have the freshest and highest-quality fruit and veg,” says Paul Turner, commercial director of Fruit & Vegetables.

Tom's voice trembles as he speaks of his father, Luigi. "He was a man of few words, but he taught me everything," says Tom. "He always said, 'If you wouldn't eat it at home, you don't pack it.' That's our guiding principle."

A worn vest and cap serve as a poignant reminder of their late patriarch, Luigi. Louis stands beside them, a mix of pride and longing in his eyes. "I miss him every day," Louis admits softly. "He was my mentor, my friend."

Tom observes his son with a sense of accomplishment. "Louis embodies the farming spirit," he states proudly. "He learned so much from his grandfather and continues that legacy with excellence."

The family's connection to Woolworths runs deep. "They've supported us through challenges like the drought," Tom acknowledges. "They understand farming's complexities and value our quality."

Louis concurs. "We have a fantastic relationship with the Woolworths team. They're always there to offer guidance. They're true partners."

It’s a sentiment that is echoed by Paul, who has learned a great deal working alongside the Elevatos. “They are honest, straightforward and love what they do and they are very passionate about growing the highest-quality food for Australians, not to mention they work extremely hard in trying to achieve this.”

As Louis surveys the broccoli fields, he envisions a future brimming with potential. He sees his son Joshua, the fourth generation, exploring the farm, learning from his father and grandfather, just as he did. It's a vision of a family legacy flourishing, nurtured by the land and supported by a steadfast partnership with Woolworths.

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