Our People pillar focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive place for our teams to work. It means supporting our communities, building partnerships and working with our suppliers to make sure that workers' rights in our supply chain are protected.
Our Goals
Be a truly inclusive workplace
Recent societal events, such as Black Lives Matter, have shed light on people’s lived experience. We recognise the value diversity brings to our business, our customers and our community. We believe in creating a workplace that is safe and inclusive so every team member feels like they belong and can be their best self.
Invest in the holistic wellbeing of our team
The safety of our team and our communities is of primary importance to us. We care deeply about the physical, mental and psychological safety and wellbeing of our team and strive to create a culture where we support each other. It is always OK to ask for help.
Create meaningful retail careers for today and tomorrow
Technological innovation is spearheading the future of retail, and our customers are embracing different avenues to access products and information. As we too evolve in this context, we want to empower our team members with opportunities to help them feel comfortable with change and equip them with new skills to excel.
Activate ethical and mutually beneficial partnerships through the whole value chain
Modern Slavery is a global issue with approximately 16 million people in forced labour in the private economy. We are working with our suppliers to build a rights-respecting culture where modern slavery risks are identified, managed and mitigated.
Have a positive impact on our customers and communities
We are at the heart of our communities across Australia and New Zealand and are determined to make a positive impact. We invest in local programs, and expand our partnerships to support communities in need and provide relief in times of natural disaster.
First of its kind accessible checkout, creating new employment oppotunities
Our Pillars
Our People pillar focuses on creating a diverse and inclusive place for our teams to work. It means supporting our communities, building partnerships and working with our suppliers to make sure that workers' rights in our supply chain are protected.
Our Planet pillar focuses on protecting the world we live in for current and future generations. It means going further than just limiting negative impacts; it means actively finding ways to create positive benefits.
Our Product pillar focuses on evolving the way we do business to embrace circular thinking – which means all waste is a resource. It means making it easy for our customers to choose products that are healthier, sustainably sourced and responsibly.